A kingfisher in Bushy Park!

The weather hasn't been too great recently, but on Sunday 15th January, I had to go for a walk in the park. It was dull and soggy, but great getting out into the fresh air after a few days cooped up at home.

While pottering in the Water Gardens by the Waterhouse Pond, I muttered to myself 'I've never seen a kingfisher'. Then, low and behold, guess what flitted past? Yes, a kingfisher! I've seen many different fowl in the park, but this little beauty had always eluded me.

What really struck me was how small it is - only about 6 inches high. I thought they were at least twice that size. It also moved very fast, so I was exceedingly chuffed to capture these images.

I then walked to one of my favourite spots and caught the rain splashes and reflections in the Longford River. The following is a selection of refracted abstractions.

Definitely a worthwhile outing, despite a very muddy pair of boots...

Back to Bushy...

After three solid weeks of re-examining, selecting, editing and formatting images for my website, it was wonderful to return with the camera to Bushy Park last Friday. I took the bike for an early evening ride, making the most of the glorious sunlight.

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Couldn't resist capturing the light coming through these leaves with subtle signs of Autumn starting to show.

I also visited my favourite spot in Bushy Park, The Woodland Gardens, where the evening light was delightfully playing both the trees and Longford River.

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One of my last shots of the visit caught the rays reflected off the water, enabling the original for my latest gallery edition. I also took the plunge and played a touch more with the colour balance in post production and came up with this. Will certainly be extending the colour range to get the full spectrum...

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