Bushy Park Blossom

After a long winter, it was a treat to see signs of new life in Bushy Park. On the afternoon of 19 March, I took a walk in the Woodland Gardens. The sunlight was beautifully playing with the newly sprouting leaves on a plant I would usually just pass by.

I also challenged myself to take the following close-up. I was quite taken aback by the details I captured.

Also in abundance were the cherry blossoms.

After arriving home and taking a closer look at my captures, I then created the following image using my particular technique. I can’t wait until the hawthorn blossom appears later this spring so I can continue with my experiments.

Bushy Reflections

With my next college project underway, I took a visit to Bushy Park to test out a newly introduced technique. Time lapse photography. Still getting my head round the concept as there's a lot to consider when undertaking this way of capturing movement.

Nevertheless, it gave me the opportunity to practice in my favourite spot & concoct these new abstracts.

A kingfisher in Bushy Park!

The weather hasn't been too great recently, but on Sunday 15th January, I had to go for a walk in the park. It was dull and soggy, but great getting out into the fresh air after a few days cooped up at home.

While pottering in the Water Gardens by the Waterhouse Pond, I muttered to myself 'I've never seen a kingfisher'. Then, low and behold, guess what flitted past? Yes, a kingfisher! I've seen many different fowl in the park, but this little beauty had always eluded me.

What really struck me was how small it is - only about 6 inches high. I thought they were at least twice that size. It also moved very fast, so I was exceedingly chuffed to capture these images.

I then walked to one of my favourite spots and caught the rain splashes and reflections in the Longford River. The following is a selection of refracted abstractions.

Definitely a worthwhile outing, despite a very muddy pair of boots...

In a reflective mood

With lovely sunshine, a pre-lunch stroll in Bushy Park was required today and a welcome break from the screen. Also, I need to get back to taking some photos and getting familiar with the camera again.

The sun today was quite strong and lower in the sky. You could definitely tell the season had changed and not just by the browning leaves.

No bark today as the light wasn't right for this, but caught the following abstracted reflections instead (none of which have been edited). Was quite pleased with these results.

I also caught a lovely splash of komorebi. Apart from the crop, this hasn't been edited either. A walk worth taking most certainly...

A glowing testimonial

A statement from my latest satisfied customer. Thanks to the lovely Judy Sarsby for her encouragement and support in my path to where I am now!

"I followed Jennie's journey through the trees of Bushy park with great enjoyment and became even more transfixed when the micro study embraced the bark only. Her images are stunning and a conversation point.

I recently bought a set of four prints which, with their modern twist and beautiful colours combined with the natural wonder of wood, I thought I'd put up in our mountain chalet. However, I've decided  I don't want to leave them there and will redecorate to accommodate them in the bedroom. Stunning, eye catching, vibrant and original work!"

These are the images Judy chose...

Bushy Park Stroll

After a morning of admin in front of the computer, I had to go for a quick stroll in Bushy Park before lunch. During my brief wander, I revisited the cut-down tree from earlier this year.

Fascinating to see how it's subtly changed over the last few months with the weather & insects having a go. The light also was nicely different, resulting in these abstracts...

Pink sapphire & white topaz

Another beautiful evening, another stroll with the camera to take in that gorgeous late summer sun.

The Woodland Garden didn't disappoint last night with the Longford sparkling. The ducks also obliged by swimming past creating some lovely ripples to help with this image...

Also caught the sun through the tree at just the right angle to create this beauty...

Am certainly looking forward to the next couple of weeks of long shadows and the transition to autumn...

Exploring the spectrum

After a lazy Sunday yesterday, I had to get out for some fresh air. Only a short walk today, but a detour from my usual route brought a new subject to my attention.

As I've also been experimenting further with colour, I was quite pleased when I processed one of the original shots to create three different versions.

Back to Bushy...

After three solid weeks of re-examining, selecting, editing and formatting images for my website, it was wonderful to return with the camera to Bushy Park last Friday. I took the bike for an early evening ride, making the most of the glorious sunlight.

Bushy Komorebi 1

Couldn't resist capturing the light coming through these leaves with subtle signs of Autumn starting to show.

I also visited my favourite spot in Bushy Park, The Woodland Gardens, where the evening light was delightfully playing both the trees and Longford River.

Bushy Komorebi 2

One of my last shots of the visit caught the rays reflected off the water, enabling the original for my latest gallery edition. I also took the plunge and played a touch more with the colour balance in post production and came up with this. Will certainly be extending the colour range to get the full spectrum...

Bushy Jewels 17