
Twitten is a two-minute film utilising a series of still images taken over a three-week period, observing Boundary Passage set between Brighton and Hove, East Sussex. Twitten is the Sussex word for alley. The piece was inspired by Italo Calvino's Invisible Cities and film makers George Albert Smith, Mark Leckey and Woody & Steina Vasulka.

The music is The Waltz, courtesy of composer and pianist Alessandra Celletti, taken from her recent album, Sacred Honey.

Brighton Belles

Well, it's been a long while since I've put a post up. Life has been quite busy with my last term's work for my BTEC Level 3 Photography at Richmond Adult Community College.

I recently had the opportunity to whisk myself down to Brighton & spend a day on the beach. I didn't take too many photos as it was a day of chatting with a friend & cloud gazing, but I did capture a few shots which I've abstracted. Need to return there soon, even if it's just for blast for fresh sea air!